FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY, women are increasingly serving as successful leaders of countries, corporations, and communities—and the qualities that are contributing to their unbridled success are not the ones patriarchal societies have long held to be most effective. Veteran journalist Lori Sokol PhD takes readers inside the offices, classrooms, and homes of thirty women—from Gloria Steinem to Billie Jean King to Nobel Peace Prize recipient Leymah Gbowee—who are utilizing qualities like compassion, solidarity, and introspection to create change and influence lives. Through their stories, readers will learn how these traits, which have long been considered soft and weak, are what we need to transform lives, secure our planet, and save the world.
"The author is an exceptional writer with a gift for presenting interviews as though the reader was part of the conversation. A well-written and inspiring book."
- International Book Publishers Association

“Because Lori Sokol tells the truth about her own story—and listens with her heart—thirty diverse women have told her the truth of their lives.
She Is Me takes us from personal to global.” —
author and activist
“In more than one sense, Lori Sokol takes apart patriarchy with these stories of women forging new paths to global stability and prosperity. Read this compelling book and you’ll be guided further along your own path, fueled by hope.”
chair of Hunt Alternatives and Eleanor Roosevelt Lecturer at Harvard Kennedy School of Government
“Lori Sokol has done something extraordinary with She Is Me: she’s written stories—chapters—about the women who have shaped her, shaped this world, warriors and SHEroes and activists and Artivists—brave and bold and delicious women, women we know of and hear of and fall in love with but never get quite near. What Lori has done beautifully—seamlessly, dare I say—is bring them to life in a way that makes you actually feel that each woman is a new friend. This book should be read by all women and all girls because THIS BOOK is filled with hope and possibility and unlimited power.”
author of Marrying George Clooney:
Confessions from a Midlife Crisis